One of my little Cavaliers. Just 12.5 pounds of sweet lovin’!
I rarely get political on this blog, and when I do it’s about animals or food. My vet and I were discussing the huge problem of people abandoning their pets and skipping town, leaving the creatures who are completely dependent on their humans chained, and/or without food and water.
People, there is no excuse for that. If you cannot care for your pet any longer, there are no-kill shelters in virtually every community who will not only find a loving home for your pet, but will also come out and pick it up if you can’t bring it in. Do the right thing.
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5 users responded in this post
It is hard to imagine someone abandoning an innocent doggie. So sad.
Yours is so gorgeous, I want to come over and kiss it on the head.
Amen, my friend.
Somethings are just not understandable.
It makes me wonder what kind of pet owners they really were. Loyalty doesn’t deserve abandonment.
Adorable! my partner and I do rescue work periodically. last time it was dogs so we are back to cats just as soon as I get space ready. It is always amazing to me the way people mistreat animals.