If you read food blogs, then you’re probably aware of the Daring Bakers, a group that started a little over two years ago. The brainchild of Yvonne and Lis, it started small – just a group of bakers who wanted a new baking challenge every month. The group grew to include thousands of bakers all over the world, recently launched a new web site, and this month initiated the Daring Cooks, which will focus on cooking challenges. My decision to participate in this group certifies that I have lost my marbles.
I have been crazy busy this year. And yet I blog, participate in The Daring Bakers, Tuesdays with Dorie, Pies with That (are you sensing a baking addiction here?) and, far too occasionally, I join the Bread Baking Babes and Bread Baking Day. I also decided to sign up for Recipes to Rival last year, because I figured that woman cannot live by yeast, flour, butter, and cream alone. Last week, I went round the bend and, cackling like a lunatic at my computer, I hit “send” and joined Natalie’s new endeavor, baking through the Bread Baker’s Apprentice (for this, I blame Susan of Wild Yeast Blog, because she wrote about it. If I hadn’t read her blog, a regular addiction, I would have remained blissfully ignorant).
Despite all this, moved by an unfathomable force, I joined in the Daring Kitchen’s maiden voyage and made ricotta gnocchis. Lis and Yvonne chose the recipe from The Zuni Cafe Cookbook: A Compendium of Recipes and Cooking Lessons from San Francisco’s Beloved Restaurant. What a great choice! I grew up making potato gnocchi at home, and I hadn’t made them in years, an oversight I’ve been wanting to remedy.
After reading about the troubles others had if they didn’t drain the ricotta enough, I made sure – or thought I made sure – to drain the ricotta. It still wasn’t enough, so I added a couple tablespoons of flour and a little extra parmigiano reggiano to help these little guys hold together. I grated a little lemon zest into the mixture, as well as some salt and pepper. I threw together as simple tomato sauce, and topped the whole thing with a little more parmigiano reggiano. I have to say, after the whole draining-the-ricotta thing, these dumplings are really fast and easy to make and cook. And want to hear something funny? I used a tub of frozen ricotta that I had stashed away a couple months ago. So now you know – the recipe works with frozen, thawed ricotta.
The verdict? Wonderful taste, just wonderful. Somehow I hit just the right of lemon zest – enough to enhance the mixture, but not enough to overwhelm it. Texture? It was light and fluffy, but I think I’m a potato gnocchi gal at heart, and that’s probably what I’ll stick with in the future. I like a tad more density to my gnocchi. But I am so glad that I gave this a try. If you’d like the recipe, check out Lis’ blog, or here, and the Daring Kitchen website to see the results of the other cooks.
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11 users responded in this post
They look wonderful! But I agree – I think I want something with a bit more chew when I have gnocchi.
Your gnocchi look marvelous!! Great job. I’ve never successfully made gnocchi but hope to try again soon.
Great job! They look delicious! I agree on the gnocchi, I like mine to have a bit more density too.
Your ricotta gnocchi look wonderful. I loved the lemon zest in my vegan version. I’m going to have use it when I make the original version.
I think a lot of us had that problem with the ricotta being too wet. Great save, lovely ricotta. But please don’t think you’re going to pin that BBA thing on me. 😉
Wonderful! I did lemon too, and the flour was necessary, I think.
Great job!
Your gnocchi turned out fantastic. I goofed on my first daring cooks blog and thought the posting was for tomorrow. I am still going to post but it will have to be tonight. Yeesh! Beautiful photo and just how many cooking events do you belong too? Wow, are you ever adventurous =)
If I join another blog event my kitchen will implode. I’ll be seeing you on BBA, though 🙂
Beautiful gnocchi!
Wonderful when you hit the perfect balance with flavor!
Blame it on Susan!! When we’re crazy, we’re crazy.
That looks good! I passed on Daring Cooks because I wasn’t sure I had the time, but then I joined BBA, too. =)
Gnocchi was fun and the first I had ever made. Like you I didn’t drain enuff (but thought I had) and added flour. Glad I wasn’t the only one. These were quite tasty.
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