This week for TWD Jacque of Daisy Lane Cakes decided on Cottage Cheese Pufflets, on pages 148 and 149 of Baking: From My Home to Yours. FYI, for those of you who hate cottage cheese, you cannot taste it at all, so don’t let that hold you back.
First, this dough is really tough to work with, no matter how many tricks you try. I rolled the dough in a ziplock plastic bag, but it was so sticky that I had to freeze it solid just to be able to cut it out of the bag. And it turns out that I didn’t let the dough thaw enough, so when I tried to make the little triangles, the dough cracked. As you can see from the photo below, these did not come out looking too nice. But despite all that, these little morsels are tasty and addictive! I would make them again, but I think that next time I’m going to treat the dough like rugelach, and save myself a lot of aggravation. Great pick, Jacque, my husband and I loved these.
Tips: chill or freeze the dough a lot during the whole process. And use a top quality jam because you will definitely taste it. I used We Love Jam’s Apricot, and Stonewall Kitchen’s Wild Maine Blueberry. Yum.
And because I never made the World Peace/Korova cookies, I decided to remedy that oversight this week. I used Pernigotti chocolate and mini chocolate chips. I really liked these cookies, especially the fleur-de-sel, but I thought the cottage cheese pufflets were a lot better, and that’s saying something!
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10 users responded in this post
They look fabulous.
I just couldn’t get past the cottage cheese.
They look Puff Daddy Delicious! The cookies look great too!
Wow! That is saying something. I didn’t bake this week, but I do want to try this recipe, since everyone is giving thumbs up about it.
Your cookies look wonderful. I love chocolate anything. I noticed someone else did their pufflets like rugelach. I wet the edges of mine and they stuck together a bit better. Tough dough to work with, but I found the pufflets delicious.
The dough wasn’t easy, but they tasted so good. There must be a way to simplify the rolling and shaping process, but I don’t know what it is yet…
Well, at least you had the WP cookies, a winner in the looks department 🙂
These were not cooperative or beautiful cookies (not just yours! believe me) but I’m glad you enjoyed the taste. A small reward for all of the hard work.
Thanks so much for baking along this week and for saying nice things. LOL, some were not so gracious.
Yum – I bet they tasted awesome anyway. Nancy drained her cottage cheese, maybe that would help.
Wow, the cottage cheese cookies were better than the world peace cookies? Wow again!
I wonder if using farmer cheese or ricotta would make the dough behave better . . . There is a rugelach recipe in one of the early Moosewood cookbooks that is very similar and also uses cottage cheese.
BTW, your world peace cookies look fab.
Oh, and regarding the salmon, go heavy on the za’atar and light on the lemon pepper and cook it about 20 minutes in the toaster oven (but I let it get very well done. You have to use your judgement here).
Oh, thank you. And I like my fish very well done, too.
WP Cookies look perfect. I liked them a lot.
The pufflets??? not so much. Glad you liked them.