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Tanna said in August 15th, 2012 at 2:47 pm

Wow, welcome back! So glad you joined in on this one.
Julia would have loved your list of what went wrong and then cheered your go at it again attitude. That would be just like Julia. Yes, I happy to practice this one many times 😉

Baking Soda said in August 15th, 2012 at 5:05 pm

No better return than to return with bread… especially with all that you went through to get this bread. It looks like you got Mr Murphy for dinner. A cracked stone.. wow! Hope your burn isn’t hurting too much now.

Elizabeth said in August 17th, 2012 at 5:03 pm

Oh my!! Cudos to you for persevering! I hope your arm isn’t hurting too much still (owwww!)

I have a cracked breadstone as well – it cracked years ago. Happily, it still works perfectly – we just push the pieces together.

Glad to hear the bread turned out okay. Toast is good. With butter, it’s excellent.

Many many thanks for baking with us.

Susan/Wild Yeast said in August 18th, 2012 at 3:39 pm

Now I’m not saying I’m glad all those things went wrong, but carrying on in the face of it all was one thing Julia was all about, and one of my favorite things about her. You did her proud! Thanks for baking with the Babes!

Buddies Baking for Julia | Wild Yeast said in August 30th, 2012 at 11:31 pm

[…] Messy Kitchen soepkipje Sweet and That’s It Crumbs of Love the guild of knitting kninjas Madam Chow’s Kitchen The Kitchen Is My Shrink breadsong Claire’s baking […]

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