One of my friends tells me that my blog is blocked at her job because of “adult content.” ADULT CONTENT?! After I thought about it a bit, I realized that some pictures that appear on this blog, like the one above of Daisy, do involve doggie nudity. I am unrepentant, and will remain so. Gus approves:
On another note, yesterday my area was hit by a series of extremely severe thunderstorms, including tornadoes. We were without electricity for over 11 hours. We are also getting ready to go visit family, and that combined with the loss of electricity, last minute medical visits, etc., has left me unable to respond to all your wonderful comments, and to visit your blogs as much as I’d like to, but I promise that as soon as I can visit all of you, I will!
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2 users responded in this post
Your blog? XXX rated? Thats hilarious! Maybe its those racy brioche pictures huh?
OK – between Daisy & Gus and Anna’s new Lizzie (Cookie Madness), we’re getting lots of puppy love sent our way these days. I’m on the road for a few days and missing mine, so these pictures will have to tide me over until my return.