This month, Meeta of What’s for Lunch Honey? chose “Mango Mania” as the theme for the Monthly Mingle. The thought of something fruity, light, and refreshing immediately came to mind. Believe it or not, I get tired of baking fattening desserts (although I don’t get tired of baking bread), and the 92 degree heat outside makes me crave healthier foods.
This lassi is so easy to whip up, and you can use fresh or frozen mango. If you use fresh, be sure to throw some ice cubes in the blender.
Mango Passionfruit Lassi
Servings: 1 large or 2 medium
1 mango, peeled, seeded, and diced
1 Tbsp. frozen passionfruit puree
1 cup plain yogurt (I used unsweetened. If you use a sweetened or vanilla flavored yogurt, adjust the amount of sweetener you put in the lassi)
1/2 cup almond milk (or soy milk or regular milk)
2 tsp. honey or agave nectar (how much you use will depend on the sweetness of the fruit and the tartness of the yogurt, so taste as you go along and adjust the amount accordingly)
pinch of mace
ice cubes (optional, but about 5 if you choose to use them)Throw everything in a blender and give it a whir! Enjoy in a tall frosty glass.
8 users responded in this post
Yum – that sounds so delicious and refreshing! is one of my favorites!Thanks for your visit to my site..and the kind comment on my Blueberry pancakes! Visit anytime!
Thanks for the recipe! I just love mango lassi, and the addition of passionfruit puree must make it so delicious! I will be sure to try your recipe!
That looks so smooth! I would make this if it didn’t involve pulling out the blender that is burried under a whole mess of other cook/bakeware/storage containers
Hi there! This looks so refreshing! I also wanted to tell you that I am not around as much as I would like because it takes me about 5 minutes to load your front page and about another 2 minutes to access the comment page and most of the time my computer freezes on me. I am not on dial-up and uses IE so I really don’t know what could be the problem, except the hosting server being slow. I am thinking about you often but I dread opening your page for fear my whole system freezes again.
That looks so refreshing and summery, yum!
I have an award for you on blog, come by! 🙂
Mmm… I love lassi! I am so craving this right now!
OOOHHHH….that top photo looks amazingly good. Great colours.