You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men. I actually made the buttercream, then I discovered that my new container of whipping cream was . . . sour. Argh! Another grocery store run was out of the question.
Thank you for visiting my humble blog, and please be sure to go check everyone else’s creations at Daring Bakers Blogroll – there are some awesome cakes out there!
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10 users responded in this post
How frustrating! Hopefully next month will be better.
I had trouble with the buttercream this time, but not last time – go figure!
I read in someone’s post that there was an option of a cream cheese filling. I wish I had read that before, save me a little heartbreak!
Bummer that your cream was sour. I can’t stand that when I buy something and it is already rotten. Hope to see you next month.
too bad! This was a great cake, very tasty. Your TWD tart looks wonderful!
I like how you fanned your peaches!
Sorry about the bad luck 🙁
How annoying! Would have loved to see your cake!
Aaaaw, sorry 🙁 maybe you could freeze the buttercream for another cake… another day.
Aw, that’s sad.
I’ll look forward to seeing the next challenge here.
Greetings Miss Chow. Very sweet DB comment from you. The taste was perfect. My first time for everything but ganache so I was pleased. It was like a 3 ring circus getting it done though. I am considering TWD but right now I am still learning the whole blog tech stuff, augh. See you at the end of August.