Currently, I am out of town. Hopefully, when I get back I’ll have some pics and write-ups of a couple culinary adventures. In the meantime, I leave you with a photo of the Dynamic Hairy Duo, Daisy (left) and Gus (right).
Now, it’s True Confessions time. I had to crop the pictures to eliminate a large hair ball that found itself in the frame. You see those white speckles on my kitchen cabinets? That’s bread dough. I’m not sure what I did to get it there, and on the walls, and on the window, but I succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. Do you know how hard it is to get dried bread dough off everything? Sigh. An amateur baker’s work is never done!
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2 users responded in this post
Just got to love those eyes!
Sigh . . . bread dough all over . . . you’d think as much as I have to clean off and out of places there wouldn’t be enough to make a loaf ;))
I want to hug the puppies.
They are so cute! Tell them it is their job to clean up the bread dough that is less than 1.5 feet off the ground. 🙂