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Chris said in March 6th, 2007 at 2:04 am

Willpower? No chance. These look scrumptious!

rowena said in March 6th, 2007 at 7:55 am

When the half of a sachertorte and half of a pistacchio cake are finished, this will be next to do. I haven’t had a proper scone in awhile…

Noticed your Silpat in the image. I don’t even have one of those yet!

Madam Chow said in March 6th, 2007 at 12:53 pm

Chris and Rowena,
Thanks for visiting! And Rowena, I know what you mean. I baked these even though we are still working on a pound cake and a coffee cake. I think I’ll waddle on down to the gym now!

Ivonne said in March 7th, 2007 at 5:04 am

Oh, Madam Chow! Those look divine!!!


[…] last forever – you have to use it up, especially white chocolate, which has a shorter shelf life. Dorie Greenspan’s scone recipe is wonderful, and I have used variations of it several times, but I wanted to try something […]


[…] much, but boy, were they good!  My usual go-to scone recipe is one by Dorie Greenspan, namely her Cream Scones.  But, cream has a lot more calories than buttermilk, and I wanted to expand my repertoire, so I […]

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