Demised. It is an ex-range. It is not pining for the fjords. (My apologies to Monty Python and the Dead Parrot). It’s enough to drive one to drink, but I prefer chocolate. Thus, no TWD this week. Rats.
The good news is that I’m going to be shopping for a new range, refrigerator, and microwave. The bad news is that I’m going to have to pay for them, since I have yet to win the lotto.
So . . . do you folks have any brands that you can recommend? And don’t tell me to get a GE Spacesaver microwave, or a Maytag range or refrigerator. That’s what I have!
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11 users responded in this post
Go all out and get a Viking range and a LG fridge.
I’ve been happy with my GE Profile range. Which I mention because it is not a GE *microwave.* :o)
Those Wolfe ranges look pretty cool!
Well, from the picture it looks like you’re making the best of it 😉
I have a kitchen aid combination range: gas burners and electric/convection oven. It wasn’t an arm and a leg (comparatively) and I love it. My refrig is also KA, and I’ve had issues with it since Day 1 – but that was 8 years ago, so I wouldn’t judge by my experience. GE really does have some great fridges. My microwave is a built in KA combination microwave/convection which I have liked a lot. (Basically my whole kitchen is KA except my dishwasher.) That being said, we got a pretty nifty microwave for my daughter at Costco last week.
Oh man, so sorry to hear about the range! I hope you have two (or 4) of those drinks to make you feel better!
Good luck with your purchases. I don’t think you can go wrong with GE.
Monty Python and the Parrot. Love the reference. Great skit. I wish I had a combo convection/regular oven. They are sooooo cool. Let us know what you end up with.
Don’t be an ex-baker for too long.
I think I enjoy using my Viking cooktop so much that I cook on it more which means it needs cleaning more and I don’t like cleaning . . . I don’t know what that tells you.
I love my SubZero fridge but hate the freezer (never able to keep a seal longer than a year and the story on the ice maker ends with a disconnect it).
Microwave is a simple GE from Sam’s – does what it needs to do.
Thanks so much for all the tips!
Oh well – on the bright side, you will get some new appliances!
Yikes. That’s probably the last thing I want to deal with considering how things are right now. Glad to see you’re about to get your new range 🙂