GOTCHA! A healthy recipe! Now that I have lured you into my pastry-laden lair, I’m springing something healthy on you. And easy, very easy!
One of the most nourishing greens (not to mention tasty) that you can eat is Swiss chard. What you see to the left is a variety called rainbow chard, and the stems come in vibrant shades of red, yellow, and orange. I often whip this up for dinner, or throw it into soup (that’s the Italian in me).
Start with about a pound or two of chard. Chard can be rather sandy, so be sure to clean it well. Don’t shake off the water, as that will help the greens to cook later on. Chop the stems into 1/2-inch pieces, and then the leaves, but keep the leaves and stems separate.
Drizzle some olive oil in a pan, and add a couple crushed and minced garlic cloves, and a pinch of red pepper flakes. After about 30 seconds, add the chard stems, and saute them gently for about five minutes, then add the leaves. Just pile them on – chard is like spinach, it will really cook down. Once the leaves start to wilt, sprinkle on some kosher salt and pepper to taste, and a pinch of nutmeg. Add about 2 Tablespoons of red wine vinegar, and toss the mixture. Give it a taste, and adjust seasonings accordingly, but don’t go crazy on the salt since you’re going to finish this with about 1/4 cup of parmigiano reggiano. In the summer, I’ll toss in a couple of chopped tomatoes, but I don’t cook those.
This is a quick, tasty, and healthy dish. The colors alone are a feast for the eyes!