***Remember to enter the cookbook giveaway!*** UPDATE ON MARCH 11, 2009 – WE HAVE A WINNER!!! ikkinlala from Canada!****
This week, Tuesdays with Dorie host Bridget of The Way the Cookie Crumbles chose Lemon Cup Custard on page 387 of Baking: From My Home to Yours. Because I know Master Chow, my honorable husband, prefers to avoid dairy, I decided to cut this recipe in half. Why? Because if it was really good, I knew I’d eat all of it. If it was bad . . . I knew I’d have to eat all of it! So, how did it turn out? All I have to say is . . .
BURP. This was fantastic. I made a vanilla version, so I halved all the ingredients in the recipe except for the vanilla bean. I used an entire bean, then added about 1/2 tsp. of vanilla extract after the milk mixture had cooled. I also threw in a small pinch of salt. It took about an hour for this to bake to the right consistency, and it was smooth, silky, and a lot like flan.
Which just happens to be my favorite dessert in the whole world. Sigh. My mom’s version was out of this world. Eggs, cream, milk . . . so rich she’d only make it around the holidays, and we would devour it. Ah, to be young again, and oblivious to the scale and cholesterol levels!
This recipe is now among my top favorite Dorie recipes. Be sure to check out the blogroll to see what other custard variations everyone came up with.