In an effort to take advantage of all the lovely squash in the stores right now, as well as to start liking Bon Appetit magazine again (they changed their fonts and photos last year, and I can’t stand it), I zeroed in on a recipe for Creamy Pumpkin and Cashew Curry.
One of the things I like about the layout over at Epicurious is that readers get to review the recipes. So, after taking a look at those reviews, I tweaked the recipe a bit to suit our tastes. Because of a well-stocked Asian market in my area, I was able to find curry leaves and use them for the very first time. To my surprise, they taste like curry, even though they smell nothing like it! Some of the Epicurious readers substituted curry powder for the leaves, so you may want to take that approach if you can’t find them in a store. Additionally, I used kabocha squash, and I eliminated the coconut cream and stuck with coconut milk, instead.
Result? We LOVED this curry. It was flavorful, rich-tasting, with just the right amount of heat. I served it over brown rice, and even the puppies loved getting a nugget or two of the squash! Wendy at Pink Stripes is having a pumpkin week going on, and she also made this curry, so you may want to stop by. Recipe after the jump.
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