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breadchick said in January 7th, 2008 at 9:16 pm

OH MY GOSH! Who would have thunk this? I just brought back some vodka chocolates from Russia and liked them so much was sad that I hadn’t brought back more and now here you go and provide me a recipe!

So much for the “no candy” January…

rowena said in January 8th, 2008 at 10:10 am

I give you triple credits for even attemtping this…it reads exhaustive! I think due to HI’s heat and humidity is why I never walked much down the chocolate road, but here of course I’m just too spoiled and buy them whenever the mood for good stuff hits.

BTW, I lost your recipe post on the braised brussel sprouts and eventually found it on google. I’m finally giving it a go tonight!

Madam Chow said in January 8th, 2008 at 2:25 pm

Dear Breadchick and Rowena: I love it when you visit! Breadchick, you went to RUSSIA?! How did I miss that? That’s definitely on my list of places to visit in my life.

Rowena, I know what you mean about Hawaii. I don’t think I baked a pastry crust pie there for years – too difficult to work with and, as you know, no air conditioning in most homes. This was the first time I’d ever made chocolates, and I’m glad I tried it. Enjoy the brussel sprouts!

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