This week, Babette of Babette Feasts picked Tartest Lemon Tart on page 336 of Baking: From My Home to Yours. In my ongoing effort to reduce the calories in our diet derived from butter just a teensy bit, I made the filling and ditched the crust. I used organic, thin-skinned lemons, and didn’t blanch the peel or remove the pith, something other bakers had to try because the filling was too bitter. I think organic lemons or Meyer lemons are definitely the way to go with this tart – it is fabulous, one of my new Dorie favorites, but then I’m a sucker for citrus. So how did I eat this? Scooped it out onto some toast. WHOLE WHEAT toast, which cancels out all the butter, sugar, and eggs in the lemon curd.
Here is a picture of the egg yolks I used – do you see that really bright orange one in the top right-hand corner? That’s an organic egg from truly free range chickens. I haven’t seen a yolk that orange since I went to Europe.
Some final thoughts: this tart would be fabulous with a shortbread crust, and it also freezes very well. Definitely on the repeat list. To see what other bakers made, check out the TWD blog, and Babette’s Feast for the recipe. Next week: mango bread!
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Mine bubbled over like a volcano, but it turned out fine after some doctoring 🙂 A little bitter, but I don’t think my lemons were of the best quality. DELICIOUS dough!
I get free range eggs all the time.
I just knew you’d like this one.
That is one orange yolk! Amazing!!! And the wheat toast not only cancels out the calories and fat from this filling, but for EVERYTHING YOU EAT FOR THE ENTIRE DAY! So eat up!
How did you get all that sugary crust on top? I kept waiting for that to happen and it never did on mine…I thought I followed all the instructions exactly, etc., and it just did not happen. Yours looks absolutely gorgeous. LOL on your comment on my blog about wanting to eat the filling by the spoonfuls…I am with you!
Yeah, my farmers’ market egg yolks are that fabulous color too.
I’m glad you liked the crustless tart. It looks great!
This looks so good! I loved the excellent lemon flavor. Each component was so tasty.
Wow, what a neat egg! I’ve never seen one that color! Your tart looks great!
Wow, the non-organic egg yolks pale in comparison.
Good call, losing the crust. Not only did you save on calories, but time as well. I’m glad you enjoyed it so much.
Wow, i love that orange yolk! The tart looks heavenly!
I’d love to know your secret. I tried to bake my leftover filling in ramekins and they separated and basically turned out badly. How cool that this is a favorite even in a reasonably healthy version – on whole wheat toast, no less! It was pretty darned good with a shortbread crust, I’ll have to say.
Lovely! You have been baking and cooking up a storm. This looks yummy.
I bet this was great with the toast. =) Too bad I don’t have any left, or I could try it with my Anadama Bread.
TWD and dropping a few pounds. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, girlfriend. Filling looks good. Maybe on scones….