For the most part, I don’t care for flavored coffee or chocolate (there ARE exceptions). In particular, I dislike cinnamon in chocolate. So, I really tweaked these brownies a lot. Eliminated the cinnamon. Cut down the coffee to 3/4 tsp, and baked for 35 minutes. These brownies are thin, and incredibly rich, but if you’re having a chocolate craving, they are the way to go. They are also very fragile, and do best if chilled before serving, or better yet . . . frozen. Eat them frozen! Fantastic that way.
Thanks to Lisa of Surviving Oz for this week’s pick (you can find the original recipe on her blog), and as usual, be sure to check out the TWD blogroll!
Tomorrow: White Chocolate Cherry Scones!
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13 users responded in this post
I ate mine cold from the fridge and thought they were great (and I’m not normally a cold brownie lover). Frozen sounds even better. I’m glad you could play with these so they were just what you wanted!
Oh I love the cinnamon in everything including chocolate.
but I’m sure these are wonderful just chocolate!
They’re wonderful straight out of the fridge!
I didn’t particularly notice either the cinnamon or the coffee, but then I like cinnamon in just about anything.
Frozen? I must try that next time. I kept my brownies at room temperature and they were fine.
Holy cow, that brownie looks fabulous! I went to town and really had fun with these all week long. I really liked them chilled, I’ll have to try frozen!
Mmmm, that looks so fudgy and gooey. We had OD’d on brownies over the weekend, but your photo really sells them. I’ll have to give Kate’s a try.
While I really did enjoy this one, I think next time I would cut back on both he cinnamon and the coffee. I think they’d be great with ice cream, too.
Cold? I was supposed to let them cool down before eating them? Hmm. I’ll have to take that up with the children. 😉
Love your photo!
Interesting idea to eat them frozen! I’ll have to try that!
I made a lot of the same changes as you – no cinnamon and reduced coffee. They were still a bit too rich and fudgy for me. Yours look terrific though!
Oh! Yes! These were very, very good. I loved the cinnamon and he nuts. But then, I love brownies – period.
Yours look fantastic.
Chocolate week is looking like a huge success! I need to do something like that! I just fear for my wasteline, though. Chocolate = weakness for me!
Yum! It looks delicious with the gooey chocolate and the walnut on top.