My mom was a twin, and her twin is my favorite aunt, Tia D. One thing I inherited from them is a love of cooking, especially baking. When my mom was still alive, she would go visit my aunt and they would hit all the estate sales, thereby adding to their impressive collection of bake-ware.
Over the past couple years, my auntie has kindly been giving me odds and ends out of her collection. In January, I was the lucky recipient of the following mold:
Thank you so much, Tia D! Of course, I was just itching to make something, and hopefully Clean Out the Pantry, as well.
One of the recurring features of this blog is something I call “Cleaning Out the Pantry.” I really dislike wasting food – both of my parents grew up during the Great Depression, and their attitudes about food and waste certainly affected me. So, when I see odds and ends that need to be used up, I start hunting for appropriate recipes so that nothing goes to waste. I also wanted something wholesome (okay, no laughing in the peanut gallery!) , so I turned to my wonderful King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking: Delicious Recipes Using Nutritious Whole Grains. More after the jump . . . .
continue reading "An Apple Butter Cake and Family"