But don’t worry, everything turned out all right in the end. This month for Recipes to Rival, Sara of I’m A Food Blog asked us to make Thomas Keller’s French Onion Soup. First, I couldn’t find enough bones to make the beef stock, so I used part chicken and part beef, too many carrots, and ended up with an oddly sweet stock. No matter, though, I forged ahead. Next, I halved the recipe and cut up four pounds of onions. FOUR POUNDS:

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5 users responded in this post
Yay for Thomas Keller soup and bygolly this is a mountain of onions let me tell you! His soup was the first across-the-pond kitchen work Tanna and I did together. Crazy laughs and great soup as a result!
I love the shot with the sunglasses!
The croutes with cheese is my favourite part – I would have eaten yours for you. 😉
Yay, I am so happy that you made the stock and everything and that it came out good in the end. Thanks for cooking this challenge with me 🙂
Four pounds of onions! No recipe is worth that kind of torture!! lol!!
I hope you and your husband are feeling better!
Love your sense of humor, but try cutting up 8 lbs. of onions next time! And, caramelizing them for 8 hrs. Still don’t know why it took me so darn long.